February 22, 2009

Spiritualism and Yoga

In all religions voluminous scriptures relating to spiritualism are available. However the divine truth is very simple and everybody has free access to it. Like free air and free water available to all, everybody can realise the truth freely and without anybody’s interference.

In the whole universe there are only two things - one is conscious and other is inert; one is truth and other is false. all living beings are conscious whereas matter and material things are inert. Matter always changes its state(solid, liquid, gaseous, plasma and ethereal space) and matter is nothing but a form of energy. Again the sum total of all energies(kinetic and gravitational of celestial bodies) is zero. So matter is ultimately false, both spiritually and scientifically. As in the dream, all objects appear to be real, so in the waking state, all things we see and hear appear to be real. When we wake up from dream, the dream objects appear to be false; so after death this visible world shall appear to be false.

Hence only the consciousness is truth and it is found in all living beings only. This consciousness not only guides us from birth till death, but has guided us in our numerous births through which we have been evolved. So consciousness is eternal, indestructible and uncontaminated. One’s consciousness is not isolated. The same consciousness pervades in all beings. It is Universal and this Universal Consciousness may be called God.

We should not search for God outside in the heaven. All living beings are the home of God(see my article ‘Home of God’). For this it is said that when we realise ourselves we realise God. Then what we should realise in ourselves? Body is not permanent. What is permanent and eternal in us is our consciousness. It is expressed in us as mind and intellect and the source of this consciousness is soul(Atman in Indian Philosophy). Subtler part of mind is intellect and subtler part of intellect is soul. In fact mind, intellect and soul are one and same. Since body is destructible, soul is the real being or true self of a being. When soul or true self is realised everything is realised. So the only way left for us is to follow our consciousness and become more and more conscious. It will lead us towards knowledge, liberation, immortality and divinity.

This spiritualism can be realised through the practice of Yoga. Yoga is defined as the cessation of thoughts arising in the mind. The moment one dispels all thoughts from the mind, one realises one’s true self or soul. One does not have to remain in this state always. After realising true self, again a Yogi returns to his normal state and resumes worldly activities.

Yoga gives emphasis on mind, because we are nothing but a conscious mind. With this powerful mind we have achieved so much in the 21st century. However the aim of spiritualism and Yoga is to initiate a voyage inwards through the mind. Outside there is pain, inside there is bliss; outside there is loss of energy, inside there is gain of energy; outside there is disease and mortality, inside there is health and immortality. If consciousness is an ocean, mind is the waves along the seashore. We see only the sea waves, not the oceanic bottom. To realise true self is like finding out oceanic bottom.

What we believe in ’self’ is our gross body and gross mind. However this is not the true self of a being. Gross body and gross mind constituting our external self is a manifestation of our true self or soul only. A lone body is the manifestation of a lone soul and this world is the manifestatio of all souls of all beings. God is nothing but the sum total of all souls. For this world is not different from being, being is not different from soul and soul is not different from God. All are one and the same. World is an appearance and manifestation of consciousness only.

So the task before a spiritual seeker or a Yogi is to become more and more conscious. When one becomes more conscious one becomes more free from worldly thoughts which give pain and sorrow, disease and death. When one becomes absolutely free, one becomes absolutely free from virtue and vice, pain and sorrow and disease and death. Birth and death comes under his control and one gets liberated right in the present birth. One achieves immortality. Indian scriptures, the Upanishads teach men to get immortal right in the present birth.

I see that my articles on Yoga are read well. But I am in total darkness if these articles are appreciated. So my earnest appeal to readers is that they should send their comments through emails. Those who accept my and my Master’s views on spiritualism and Yoga, should come forward and unite on a global platform. In order to help me both emotionally and financially readers may buy my book ‘Quest for truth: the spiritual and yogic way’ published in USA.

Author is a desciple of late Master Munishvar Shiv kumar Shastri who has established Muni Samaj. Those who wish to learn Yoga as interpreted by the author may email to him who resides in India.

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