March 1, 2009

Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Summer Slow Down

Let?s face it, Yoga teachers who live in Northern climates have been looking forward to a break from the ?winter chill.? Your Yoga students have also been looking forward to the warm weather and they want to take a vacation. What can Yoga teachers and Yoga studios do to compensate for the ?Sumer Slow Down??

You have taught your Yoga students about empowerment all year, but some students may not return to your regular classes, without a reminder. Many North Americans take a couple of weeks off in July and some summer vacations will be planned for August. Most of my friends in Europe take August off, therefore, Yoga teachers are looking at a minimum of one month during the summer that is predominantly slow, depending on your exact location and culture.

Some Yoga teachers in the Southern United States will experience a slow down, if the temperatures rise too much and too soon. Yoga classes can become sparse, especially if the temperatures jump to the 90?s Fahrenheit during late spring or early summer. So, what action can Yoga teachers take to deal with this vacation season?

How about special classes? Did you ever think about teaching Yoga classes in a pool? What about testing Yoga classes that you had not considered during a busy season? What about an ?Introduction to Hot Yoga? or a Vinyasa style Yoga class that is a little warmer than usual? What about testing a short-term Pranayama class or Yoga meditation workshop as a ?pilot class? for the busy season?

Once again, I ask you to enlarge your vision and ?think outside the box.? Do enough ground work and research to become an innovator, rather than ?follow the crowd.? Even if your Yoga classes do slow down a bit, you can cater to your ?regular students,? who are with you ?through thick and thin.? Ask your Yoga students for feedback.

One last major point to bring up: Make sure you are working on ?reminders? to your Yoga students who regularly attend classes during cooler weather. It is best to use this time to get a list of all of your Yoga students and prepare for a mailing in late August, or early September.

This is the time when children go back to school, and family plans are made for the fall schedule. If you teach Yoga for a living, your first priority is to thank your students for their past participation and remind them that you still teach Yoga.

It is very easy for anyone to forget their priorities, and Yoga students are no exception. Yoga teachers contribute to the well being of their student?s mental, physical, and spiritual health. When you see inactive Yoga students around town, they often thank you for what they have learned from you.

Therefore, do not take a summer slow down personally. This is a season that you should make the most of by taking action and testing new ideas for your Yoga classes.

? Copyright 2006 ? Paul Jerard / Aura Publications

Paul Jerard is a co-owner and the director of Yoga teacher training at: Aura Wellness Center, in North Providence, RI. He has been a certified Master Yoga teacher since 1995. To receive a Free e-Book: “Yoga in Practice,” and a Free Yoga Newsletter, please visit:

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