February 26, 2009

Rejuvenated Yoga

Yoga is a complete disciplining routine, involving all kinds of physical and meditative exercises. It uses a wide combination of breathing and movements to get the body back into its targeted range. Yoga is centered on meditation and the asanas (postures) that are done, are done to allow for better concentration and better meditation abilities.

The first step to performing yoga is to still and calm the mind, hence achieving the strengthening of one’s body and mind. If the mind can be stilled, the spiritual power can be felt within. Meditation is the state achieved from intense concentration on a single object until all other thoughts vanish and all that is left is an intense awareness of the object. There is nothing else in mind for some time.

Even though yoga has been around for over 5000 years in India, it was relatively unknown till sometime back. It has gained prominence only during recent times. It is estimated that millions of people are practicing yoga in the US and UK. Slowly people are realizing that it could be the single solution for most of the prevalent ills in the modern age. Stress, blood pressure, heart attack, diabetes are the various ailments caused due to our busy life. Yoga has a cure for all of them.

The discipline of yoga has been rejuvenated in modern times. Numerous people have been responsible for this increased awareness of yoga, mainly those who have benefited from it. The primary factor responsible for the rejuvenation in India, the land of its birth, has been Swami Ramdev. Swami Ramdev started relentless efforts to popularize Yoga in 1995 and began his yoga programs in India on television in 2002. He says that through Pranayama (the breathing in of life), the yogic practice of breath control can cure even ‘incurable diseases’. Pranayama helps the body to become a lot more flexible and fitter.

There has been no following larger than that of Swami Ramdev in the recent times. Today, he is one of the biggest draws on Indian television. His programs are followed by millions of people around the country religiously. He believes that all ills can be cured by avoiding medicines, active practice of yoga and simple dietary habits. Yoga along with ayurveda (treatment using herbs) is capable of curing even diseases which are usually not possible to cure using traditional medicines. He strives for a ‘medicine-free’ world for the whole of humanity. His teachings are open to people from all walks of life and from all parts of the world. People have greatly benefited from his week-long camps organized for the needy. People from all religions, young and old, rich, poor, educated and illiterate - each finds a place there. He lays down simple guidelines, which can be followed easily.

His practical approach to Yoga has won him millions of followers throughout India. People have begun to see yoga in a new light, a totally rejuvenated yoga. Other than curing of illnesses and the telecast of his programs on TV, the primary reason for the rejuvenated yoga is the easy manner in which it is presented now. In other words, quick benefits with minimal efforts.

Yoga, with its new presentation, has helped people in developing healthy habits by waking up early in the morning, followed by energizing yoga practice, thanks to TV channels and Swami Ramdev. Technology has contributed immensely to the popularity of yoga. This great phenomenon of enlightening the people has been possible only due to TV, which has taken yoga to the common public. Had it not been so, yoga would have been still at the same place, where it was centuries ago.

Michael Russell

Your Independent guide to Yoga

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